Our community is dedicated to exploring spirituality, healing religious trauma, and creating a space of care where friendships can flourish.

On the second and fourth Mondays of each month, 6 to 7:15ish, we gather together Centering in one of our community member’s homes. Sometimes we get asked if Centering is our “worship” service, which we like to answer, “Sort of…but it’s more like a mini-retreat.” There is no sermon, but a conversation where we each share our wisdom. There aren’t hymns out of hymnal or praise songs, but we do sing songs together from time to time. We like to think of this space as an experimental lab where we discuss challenging topics related to spirituality and the challenges we face in our world, try out different spiritual practices togethers, and work to move towards action together. These “mini-retreats” are planned and led by a rotating teams and anyone can help plan or lead. We meet quarterly to choose topics and form teams who will lead the Centering time.
On the third Friday of each month, from 6 to 8pm-ish our community gathers together for a kid friendly potluck and hangout. We believe part of our work is to create spaces of joy in our world, and wonderful things happen when people share food, hang out, and play games with each other. So, this gathering is meant to be a fun, relaxed way to connect with other folks with the community and form meaningful friendships. We will often offer a fun activity for folks to do along with the potluck, like an art project or a sing along around the camp fire.
Want to Hang Out with Us?
Reach out to and she will send you our upcoming schedule. Kristina also sends out a weekly email with news and updates about all that is going on if you would like to be added to our email list.